

  One day I was reading an article which mentioned that if you want to know the ground reality or a glimpse of India visit a village.  I thought, what a utopian sentence it is. That’s not at all true!   But as soon as I visited a village my perspective changed.   A few months back, I visited my grandma's home to spend a week over there and experience a life other than my monotonous eat, sleep, study, repeat one. Also to experience the ground reality.   As soon as I reached her place …. I observed that everything happened on a fixed time, the life was quite disciplined there.   All the women of the house used to wake up around four o'clock in the morning. Then they used to visit a nearby handpump and get drinking water for the entire day (after waiting in a long line). Then they came back finished the daily chores, prepared meals for their husbands and kids. Then packed some food for their husbands. After that, they cleaned the buffaloes and collected some milk. Then visited the

Turning point of my life

 I joined an organization few years ago. They used to conduct various awareness programs .   One such program was conducted on Constitution Day (26th November, 2017) In this we all were divided into 4-5 groups of 8-9 people each. We were given a task of spreading awareness related to various Fundamental duties and Fundamental rights. Everyone was supposed to use a unique way to do so. (Nukkad natak, play etc.) I was very excited for this. I first time took part in such an activity. I was little nervous and was confident at the same time because I thought that so many people are there in the group, I will just follow what they say and I don’t have to do much.   (And deep inside my heart I knew that I am not capable of initiating such activities or tasks as I was very under confident and timid back then. )   In our team, two were Australian volunteers rest were Indians.   So....            We all were having a casual talk and were waiting for one of our group member . (He knew the most a