Gone are the days when we used to feel free, 

Now we all are caged in our own prejudiced and hypocrite mindset,

We regard success as the ONLY way to stay happy in life.


We all think that once we are successful we will do this, we will do that.


We set boundaries for ourselves, we restrict ourselves from meeting our friends, from doing things we liked.


We think that this phase is a struggle and we have to live like a saint.


We tend to feel that we can only be successful if we are away from social media, or if we do not hang out with our friends or interact less with our family.


Though all these things helps in saving time and lets us do things, as we planned them.

BUT that’s not sustainable!


We burn out in this process and become isolated.


As soon as we are secluded and life becomes monotonous, we end up feeling low and negativity encircles us.


Even if we attain what we were striving for, we are not able to balance between our personal and professional life.


As we never trained ourselves to do so, during the preparation phase itself.

Instead we only focused on one thing and leave another.



There is a need to create a balance, a balance between our health, social life and career.

All three are beads of the same necklace, we cannot ignore any.


I have realized one thing in life, that if we try to overdo a certain thing no matter how good or bad it is, it will harm us.


For example:

In the first semester of my master's degree course, I exhausted myself badly in doing assignments and studies. Though, I scored good marks but my health deteriorated. (Both physical and mental).  As I used to skip meals, avoided exercise, minimized interactions!! This wasn’t the end. I was so pissed off by the same routine that I lost interest in doing everything I liked to do (like visiting  various organizations , meeting slum kids etc.) , there were misunderstandings between I and my friends and I wasn't like ME anymore. Life became uninteresting.


As soon as all the colleges were closed due to pandemic, I realized that I didn’t have anything else to do (related to my college as that was the ONLY thing I was doing since long) and sitting at home all alone gave me a chance to analyze my past few months.

After analyzing everything I realized that I have missed various things in the last few months.


I skipped all the functions where I could have enjoyed and socialized.


I left teaching those slum kids halfway and somewhere did wrong to them. (Though continued later)


I wasted time, more on worrying than doing the work itself.


My productivity decreased.


I didn't take part in any activity but was just bothered about my classes and assignments.

I became a "bookworm".


I ignored my friend's calls and messages that was rude. Isn't it?

(Though few of them will understand nowπŸ˜›)


But the question is.

Why did I choose this path?

Why didn't I balance things, like I used to?

Why one thing was more significant than all the other things?


The main reason is,

We all are blinded by the idea of success set by society.

We never made an effort to know, what exactly success means to US?


We think if we fit in this idea then only we can lead a happy life otherwise not!


In contrast,


Success can be happiness for one and money for another.


Spreading the love for one and self - love for another.


Concept of being successful is open-ended, we cannot say whether the other person is successful or not by applying our idea own idea of success.


For example:

If being rich is my idea of success then I cannot judge everyone on a monetary basis and blatantly say that everyone with less money is unsuccessful!



Another reason according to ME is,


We don't want to acknowledge such phases of our lives.

We don't want to face people because we are afraid to answer them. 

Because we consider ourselves less worthy and we have insecurities.


We think that these are the so-called "struggling days" and we are a "nobody" right now!



Don't forget, this is the time which is giving us actual strength and making us stronger than before.


For this, we need to understand that it's just a phase like any other phase and we don't have to feel sad or hopeless.


We should feel proud that yes! I'm on that journey of accomplishing what so ever my goal is.

I'm taking one step closer every time.

No matter how small or big.

I am honing my skills for good.


Keep moving forward along with everything and everyone that's worth it. (Family, friends, good health, hobbies etc.)



Just trust the process and believe yourself. (I know that's a cliche line, but its true)



One of my friends said that,

"Life seems meaningless sometimes and we are missing something, a grand adventure with real action."


I think that happens with all of us.

Everyone think that whether we are on the right path or not?

We're doing justice with time or not?

We'll be able to attain what we're striving for or not?




What matters is how quickly we get out of this cycle of overthinking and analyze practically what exactly we want and how we are going to attain it?


And find our idea of success, a crystal clear idea of SUCCESS.


And even if you don't have any answer just keep moving.

Try new things in life, someday you'll find that extraordinary thing you were looking for.


And sometimes a thing we start on a whim turns into something we love.

You don't need an unwavering will to start something, but just a little curiosity.


Who knows, if that thing becomes your unique connotation of success.

And your life becomes more meaningful and contented than ever before.




Realize your potential and achieve all your endeavors.

Self-actualization is the key!



  1. Splendid, yet again!❤
    Im certain that each person out there who's gonna read this, will definitely relate and reanalyze their idea of successπŸ’―

  2. Splendid, yet again!❤
    Im certain that each person out there who's gonna read this, will definitely relate and reanalyze their idea of successπŸ’―

  3. Amazing amazing amazing!I don't have words. You know the best thing about your blog is everyone can relate to it. The way you present it and describe the actual thought process is incredible. Thanks Naaz. You will become one of the best bloggers in the country. All the best.��

    1. Thanks shreyansh. That was a big compliment. Still learning 🌸

  4. I'm glad to see🀩 how you exactly made the reader to ponder upon the journey to success..."its not a path of struggles but a realtime voyage to cherish"
    Thanks for writing, My Pretty Little BloggerπŸ₯³

    1. Thanks. I appreciate a lot.❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🌸

  5. Oh how you've grown from the time I know you .you have beautifully summed up our conversation about success πŸ’“so proud.

    1. Thanks esoteric ❤️❤️❤️ lot's of love

  6. It felt very peaceful 😍😍 that we human beings can actually think this , and achieve the life we are living , as the ultimate goal of our life is that we are living it or not .and for living we have to Happy . So ,whatever makes us Happy , we should persue with that idea .
    But life has also some plans and surprises for you , life is that success which freelancers used to think that how can they achieve happiness in so much little time .

    Well taking about this blog , it again take me to think so much about some stories . Or some moments of life when I thought about this .
    Thankyou so much naaz ❤️ , you have written it very beautifully , I hope you will achieve your goals peacefully in life with good health 😌.

    1. Vibhor, your ideas are pretty amazing and inquisitive.
      Keep growing.
      Thanks for your wishes. May you get success too🌸

  7. Indeed. Everybody's definition of success is different, it's a subjective thing. Thanks for writing. It was pretty unique ❤️πŸ”₯

  8. NAAZ! ❤️
    You gave us a great lesson. Yes if we balance every duty of life then we can get success.
    Not only you but everyone is troubled by this problem, There is something left to get something in life.
    Family, friends, career, health everything are important in life and i hope you are completely able to handle all things.

    Enjoy the journey because the destination is a mirage.

    Awesome NAAZ❤️ everytime you makes great impression
    Success does not come from thinking something, but success comes from getting done something.

    1. Thanks for sharing your opinion. I really appreciate. ❤️❤️❤️❤️🌸

  9. life is too short, so live your life to the fullest.. ❤️

  10. Amazing Naaz�� so relevant words that you expressed in magical way��...keep going my talented girl❤❤

  11. Amazing Naaz�� so relevant words that you expressed in magical way...keep going my talented girl❤❤

  12. Beautifully and intriguely woven this one hell of an experience into words.....keep it up

  13. Beautifully written ❣️Thank you for sharing .

  14. Something is better than everything , if you lived with the fullest. Undoubtedly beautiful. Thank you for everything.🌸❣

  15. judicious use of words, results in a wonderful article.


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